We look forward to having you as a coach at NFRC!
If you are an NFRC coach or looking to become a coach, please complete the screening process below.
Step 1: Rowing Canada “Every Coach Certified” (one-time only)
- Create a Rowing Canada (RCA) account and register as a coach with NFRC
Note: If you are an existing coach or already have a Rowing Canada account, login using your existing account.
- Create an account and register with the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC)
- Complete the eLearning modules in the CAC locker above.
— NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport, RCA Rowing Essentials, and Make Ethical Decisions
Step 2: Row Ontario Coach Certification Policy (renew as required)
- Obtain a Pleasure Craft Operators Card — required
- Standard First Aid & CPR Level A — optional but HIGHLY ENCOURAGED
Step 3: Vulnerable Sector Screening (only required if you are 18 or older, every 3 years)
- Fill out the Niagara Regional Police Record Check Application Form
- Download your NFRC Volunteer Letter here. Fill in your name and date of birth.
- Submit the Record Check application form and Volunteer Letter at your closest NRP location. Cost is $0 in-person. If you choose to submit your Vulnerable Sector Check online, NRP charges a $9.95 fee.
- Email your Vulnerable Sector Check to admin@niagarafallsrowingclub.com for our records.
Note: If you live outside the Niagara Region, you must obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check from your local police.
Step 4: NFRC Forms (one-time only)
- NFRC Volunteer Application Form
- NFRC Screening Disclosure Form
- Image Consent Form & Code of Conduct and Ethics
Other items:
You can find more coaching education and pathways here.