Coach Compliance

We look forward to having you as a coach at NFRC!
If you are an NFRC coach or looking to become a coach, please complete the screening process below.

Step 1: Rowing Canada “Every Coach Certified” (one-time only)

  1. Create a Rowing Canada (RCA) account and register as a coach with NFRC

    Note: If you are an existing coach or already have a Rowing Canada account, login using your existing account.

  2. Create an account and register with the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC)
  3. Complete the eLearning modules in the CAC locker above.
    — NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport, RCA Rowing Essentials, and Make Ethical Decisions

Step 2: Row Ontario Coach Certification Policy (renew as required)

  • Obtain a Pleasure Craft Operators Card — required
  • Standard First Aid & CPR Level A — optional but HIGHLY ENCOURAGED

Step 3: Vulnerable Sector Screening (only required if you are 18 or older, every 3 years)

  1. Fill out the Niagara Regional Police Record Check Application Form
  2. Note: If you live outside the Niagara Region, you must obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check from your local police.

  3. Download your NFRC Volunteer Letter here. Fill in your name and date of birth.
  4. Submit the Record Check application form and Volunteer Letter at your closest NRP location. Cost is $0 in-person. If you choose to submit your Vulnerable Sector Check online, NRP charges a $9.95 fee.
  5. Email your Vulnerable Sector Check to for our records.

Step 4: NFRC Forms (one-time only)

Other items:
You can find more coaching education and pathways here.